"Every nation is worth what the family life is worth, for a nation has ever been either in holiness or corruption, that which the home is. There has never been any exception whatever to this rule." Fr Mateo.
In this connection, I remember what a great convert once said to me: "Father, you cannot exaggerate the transcendent importance of the crusade which you are preaching. I know what I am speaking about: the Freemasons, of whom I was one for so many years, have but one single aim, and that is the de-christianising of the family. Once this object is attained, in whole or in part, they may safely leave in the possession of Catholics all the Cathedrals, churches and chapels. Of what importance are these buildings of stone when they have taken possession of the sanctuary of the home? In the measure in which this sectarian strategy is successful, the victory of Hell will be secure. It was thus I reasoned, and for this I worked, Father, when I was in the ranks of Freemasonry." Alas, what the Gospel says will always be true, that "the children of this world are wiser in their generation than the children of light. (Luke xvi,)
The great evil, the evil of evils, in our society today is that the sense of the supernatural, of the Divine is lost. But there is assuredly a remedy for it, and that is to take again the road of the Gospel, and return to Nazareth. The Eternal Wisdom willed to found the redemption of the world on the corner stone of the Holy Family. In it the Word, Jesus, our Brother, commenced His work of redemption. By no other way than this ought we to try to save the modern world; we must mould it after the pattern, so simple, yet so sublime, of Nazareth.
How eloquently men have described and illustrated by photographs the hideous destruction of churches and shrines in what was the immense field of battle in the Great War! Cathedrals, monasteries, chapels were razed to the ground in the inevitable swaying back and fore of armies. How much more appalling is the moral ruin of this thrice holy sanctuary which is the home. Basilicas and Cathedrals, however magnificent and venerable they be, will not redeem the world, but holy families will do so. This is logical, for the family is the source of life and the first school of the child. Hence, if the fount is poisoned, the nation will perish. Our purpose then, in this campaign, is to inoculate the home, and the principle of education in the home, with Jesus Christ and the sap of His Divine Love in such a way that the tree may finally be Jesus Christ Himself in the blossom and fruits it bears.
Excerpt from Jesus The King of Love by Fr Mateo Crawley-Boevey
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